Six on Saturday 2020 14-03

Geum in Spring

I’ve been doing a lot of pruning, feeding and general tidying up of plants this week while dodging heavy showers. I have two Geum ‘Scarlet Tempest’ that I love, but at this time of the year, they definitely don’t look their best. I gave them a little haircut and suddenly they looked ready to face the world.

Geum ‘Scarlet Tempest’ flowers March to September, though it can sometimes be a bit later in getting started in this area. However, the plants are showing promise, there’s new growth, and quite a few buds appearing.

Geum ‘Scarlet Tempest’ with buds

You can perhaps just make out in the photo below, two bricks (there’s actually three) that sit behind one Geum, and in front of another. After the last frosts, I place a light terracotta pot (it’s an indoor pot) on the bricks between both plants and then let the flowers grow behind and across the front. I think it creates quite an arty look. There should also be a salvia directly in front of the bricks, but I think it has died – another plant to add to the list.

The pot sits on this platform behind the Geum
Pot, Geum and a few Forget-me-nots
Geum ‘Scarlet Tempest’

There is one solitary Lewisia in the garden, and I should have lifted it before winter…but I didn’t. I came across it this week and was rather pleased to see that it had managed to survive all the rain that our winter had thrown at it. It’s showing a little bit of fresh growth, so I lifted it and potted it up…I promise I’ll look after it better from now on. I think it deserves to have a few friends, and they will be added to the neverending list (you all know what plant lists are like, don’t you!)

Lewisia, potted up
The Bird Table

I cautiously asked husband if he would make a bird table – he’s recently finished making the big planter for the patio – and I thought he might just be a tad fed up being asked to make things. I was wrong…before I knew it, a bird table was planted in the garden.

I had asked only for a flat top, but this one has two little planting boxes, two sides and a roof. You will have to use some imagination here because I can’t make up my mind what to plant in the boxes, once that is done and there’s planting growing up from the little bed it’s sitting in, I’m hoping it will look quite good. I would have liked a roof covered with small scalloped felt tiles, but I’ll make do with what I have…for the moment.

Our little grandson will enjoy watching the ‘birdies’ from the patio doors, but the problem we now have is how to direct the birds to it! It’s been there since Wednesday – with no visitors yet.

The lonely bird table
Tea Anyone?

I bought this old kettle at a garden show many, many years ago. It gets lifted from one area to another, from time to time. But it’s been sitting here at the edge of this border for over a year (maybe two) and I don’t mind it there when everything’s in bloom. There’s Lavender, Aquilegia and Lamium hugging it and it looks better in summer than it does right now.

The old kettle

If you like texture, rustic, even rust, then this kettle will suit you. If not, then your garden is probably a lot more pristine than mine. 😁

Texture and Rust
Chinese Forget-me-not

I’m always a bit sorry to see the Forget-me-nots die off towards the end of spring. The sea of blue that they create is an absolute feast for the eyes, especially on a very dull day.

I’ve shown remarkable self-discipline by not starting seed sowing until a bit later this year, but the time has finally arrived (yeah!).

I’ve started with Chinese Forget-me-nots, which are completely new to me. Unlike the biennial Forget-me-nots that we’re used to seeing in our gardens, this one is a hardy annual. Described as “flowering from spring to summer, this azure-blue and white mixture is like a showier, more glamorous form of Forget-me-not.”

First seed tray – more to follow

The seeds are a good size which made them easy to space in the seed tray. There are 300 seeds in the packet, so if I have any problems with germination there will be plenty left over to make a second attempt. Providing I’m successful with them, I think they will look good both in the garden and in the vase and as a bonus, just like the more traditional Forget-me-not, they set seed in subsequent years.

Easy to work with seeds

In some regions Heuchera can retain its leaves through winter, but sadly not in this garden. I have a few Heucheras, or Coral Bells as they are sometimes known,  planted in various areas of the garden.

However, winter is never kind to them here, so the foliage in late winter and early spring always leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve just started working my way around the borders, removing ugly dying leaves, and applying mulch. Heuchera ‘Marmalade’ is just beginning to show its vivid colours with new growth now pushing through. It’s always a star.

Heuchera ‘Marmalade’

That’s my contribution for this week’s Six, I hope you found something of interest! 😊


Six on Saturday is like a weekly journal. Take six photographs and post them to Twitter and/or your blog. You can get all the details from The Propagator who kindly set it all up. If you want to join in and see what everyone else is doing in the garden, just follow the link!

All photographs copyright of Catherine Wood unless otherwise stated.

18 thoughts on “Six on Saturday 2020 14-03

  1. Like you, this week I also talked about lewisias. I can’t wait to see them bloom.
    About the Heucheras, a large part of my leaves are ugly at the moment and I have to remove them. It’s part of the job this weekend.
    Nice bird table !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll pop over to your site Fred and see what you are saying this week. Some of my Heucheras need so many leaves taken off that there’s not much of the plant left when I’m done! But as you say, they have to be removed.

      Hope the weather is good for you – Happy Gardening!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. If you build it, they will come. Whenever I insert something new into the garden, the birds are very cautious for several days. Yours will soon decide dinner is the better part of valour. I do like that pot behind the geum & the kettle is lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s good to know, Lora. I won’t give up hope yet. We have a couple of other feeders in the garden, and it probably took them a while to find them too. I think I’m too impatient! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are lucky to have such a helpful hubby! I’m afraid mine is not a DIY person. Your geum looks lovely. I have a couple but they are struggling to get going, especially the one in the shady border, but it has been so wet here that I am amazed anything is still alive. I have a few Heucheras which are also looking very sorry for themselves at the moment and I think my Tiarellas have died off altogether. Sigh…

    And your lovely rustic kettle would be perfect for my textures challenge this month: (my alternative blog).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I share your feelings about how the plants are faring after all the wet weather they’ve been subjected to. I think some of them must be more resilient than those of us who tend them – as many of them never fail to amaze me. Tiarellas I don’t have, but I hope yours might yet surprise you. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mmm… I keep scrutinising the ground and nothing so far. Oh well, an excuse to buy some replacement plants. As I say to the OH, buying a plant is no more expensive than a bunch of flowers and usually lasts a lot longer!


      1. No worries! And no obligation to take part: as my introduction page explains I have done this to set myself challenges throughout the year to try and stimulate my photography. But it is nice when others like to participate.


  4. You’ve definitely got a creative arty eye in the garden. Love the geum and pot and also the lovely teapot! My garden is a geum free zone – this must be addressed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Katharine. A few Geums in the garden won’t go amiss and they produce beautiful leaves they from spring all the way into early winter. Covered in frost, they’re a treat for the camera.


  5. Lovely Geum. I’ve fallen for the cocktails and got some bare roots of Banana Daiquiri in the greenhouse which I hope will spring into life soon. It’s not something I’ve ever had as a drink though. The bird table looks great and gives me an idea for a post next time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had no idea what you meant about Banana Daiquiri as a drink! 😁 I had to google that! My excuse is that I’m a non-drinker and don’t know one from the other. It will be nice to see your Geum Banana Daiquiri when it’s in bloom though.
      I’ll be interested to see your next post!


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